Yorkville Carpet Care

Blinds Cleaning & Repairing
Toronto ON M3H 1M1
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HomeStars  >  Carpet & Rug Cleaning & Repairing in Woodbridge  >  Yorkville Carpet Care  >  Carpet cleaning and scotchguarding chairs
shira maler in North york
shira maler in North york
2 reviews NORTH YORK, ON

Carpet cleaning and scotchguarding chairs

I called yorkville carpets to scotchguard my dining room chairs , They came to my house that same day and did the job efficiently and quickly. They were professional, yet friendly and realy accomodating and so I asked them for an estimate to clean my carpets. The quote was very reasonable and we set up a time for them to come clean the carpets the next day. Yorkville carpets did a superb job! They got ninety five percent of the stains out, and my carpet hadn't looked that good since I got it. I highly reccomend their services. Their professionalism, reliability , and expertise surpassed the qualities of any other companies that I had previously worked with. Thank You Yorkville Carpets for a job well done, and Thank You for restoring my sanity and my carpets.

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