

I called Pioneer in the summer for one simple reason: I'd called them 6 years ago to seal a corner of my foundation, and I'd totally forgotten about it. That's how you know a water problem has been solved. This time it was two corners on the opposite side of the foundation. Before I could do some internal work, I knew I had to stop the leaking I'd just been using towels to mop up. I watched the weather forecast constantly, dreading rain, dreading storms even more. Not good. Pioneer sent out an estimator who addressed several things I didn't know about, and we had to figure how to work around my garage. Every house is different; my house is about 55 years old. Workers were on time. They worked tidy, they worked efficiently, and they worked well. They answered all my questions (I like to hang around when work is being done on my house) and I learned things about my house. The best part? Dry as a bone. It's been about 7 months, and renos are going forward in my clean, dry basement. Thanks, Pioneer, for all three corners. And yeah, you'll probably be getting a call on the fourth one sometime in the near future.

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Company Response

Thanks Lorraine . . . feel free to call us back anytime. And while we don't want you to forget us we are happy if you forget that you had that basement concern.