

We researched all the available companies and products in our area and just stopped looking when we found Premium Wholesale. They know their product and what the competition is doing right and not so right. It seems that they already did the research and chose the best manufacturer to represent. Their honesty about what is going on in the industry made us feel that we were truly making the right choice as well. They stored the unit for us while we were having the pad and electrical work completed and made some last minute adjustments to their schedule to make sure that they arrived at the same time as the other company was onsite completing that work. This was very helpful as we all had a chance to make sure the project would all come together at once with no delay. The delivery guys were very nice and careful to go over everything I needed to know about start up / assembling the cover etc. It was not just a drop and run. The delivery forms they use show that they have taken everything into account from past experiences. The owners of the company are very prompt in returning emails and answered the few questions we had right away the same day. The tub itself is a beauty. We have been in every day without fail. In this case it is true that you do get what you pay for and I recommend that you go with the higher end models (on sale of course) which have the lowest maintenance. We are very pleased with our investment and highly recommend Premium Wholesale as a place to go and learn about the newer technology used in hot tubs and see for yourself what a great company they are to do business with. David and Karen (and all their new friends!)

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Company Response

Thank you David and Karen for taking the time to express your satisfaction with our company and your spa purchase. Enjoy your new spa and let us know if you need anything in the future!

All the best,
Your friends at Premium Wholesale!