Cherry and Clark Roofing Company Ltd

Mississauga ON L5L 5Y1
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Paul  from Mississauga
Paul from Mississauga
8 reviews Mississauga, ON

Roof Job

We called Cherry and Clark, after reviewing 3 other Roofing Companies. The salesman arrived, with all the necessary booklets, to help make an informed decision. We signed with them immediately. When the workers arrived, they were very polite, maintained my request - NO RADIO, and worked very hard, removing existing shingles and applying new.
I couldn't be more happier with the end results. We have had many inquiries, as to whom, did our roof, and I am more than happy to give them Cherry and Clark's information. I have learned, there is more to a roofing system....than JUST shingles !!
Great Job Cherry and Clark.....from another Very Satisfied Customer.

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Company Response

Thank you for the kind words Paul. Don't forget that Cherry and Clark also installs aluminum eaves troughs, siding, and sofits. We also prides ourselves on after installation service. Don't hesitate to call if you require any further help with your home, as we are open and available year round.
Reg Burns