Rooter Group Inc

Drain Services
Toronto ON
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Private User reviews Mississauga, ON

Drain Replacement Review for Rooter Group Inc.

I called Mirko and Lester at Rooter Group Inc. because we were having drain problems. They did a drain replacement. The crew dug 2 holes, 2×5 ft, 8 ft. deep. They also had to dig out or move large boulders. After the holes were dug, they had a pipe burster machine to push through the old drain and pull heavy duty plastic pipes through one hole to the other. They sealed everything, replaced soil and sod. You wouldnt know that they had dug up our yard. EXCELLENT CREW! EXCELLENT JOB!
Paul and Jackie, Mississauga, ON

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Company Response

Thank you so much for the review Paul and Jackie. I'm so glad you're happy with our revolutionary drain replacement system. Our innovative approach involves a streamlined process to replace the main drain, ensuring a quicker turnaround time and minimal disruption to your property, as you experienced. It was a pleasure doing business with you, and I look forward to seeing you again.
Rooter Group Inc.
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