Lux Cleaning

House & Apartment Cleaning
Toronto ON M4P 1S8
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Private User
Private User reviews Toronto, ON

Best Ever Christmas Present! LUX Spring Cleaning ... in November!

Why wait until spring? My family just gave me the very best gift ever... a LUX Spring Cleaning BEFORE Christmas! At 87, once I have organized my place, it takes many tiring days of cleaning, at just a few hours each day, to achieve my desired standard of cleanliness. But this year, thanks to my loving family, for the very first time I have a spotlessly clean home ahead of Christmas without feeling exhausted. Instead, I am happily looking forward to all the festivities on offer!
Thank you LUX Cleaning, you do a truly excellent job!

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Company Response

Thank you for your kind words. We did our best to ensure your home was perfect for the holidays and the LUX Cleaning team appreciates the recognition for their detailed, professional approach. Thank you again! Allan and the LUX Cleaning team.