Odds On Home Inspections

Home Inspection
Calgary AB T2Z 4X1
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1 review Calgary, AB

Home Inspection

Overall fantastic work I was very pleased to have the inspection completed as it was another set of eyes. However, hesitant to provide assessment of certain building materials and their apparent possibility of containing hazardous materials. Understandably answer a question to which you cannot answer with certainty is difficult, knowing the gutt feeling of the inspector would be appreciated as they are more familiar with the building materials in the area in housing construction.

If this isn’t clear please feel free to contact me at 1 (403) 436-1232.



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Company Response

Hi Michael thanks for the review much appreciated. As for the possibility of asbestos I completely understand but as home inspectors we don't test for asbestos, that would be tested by professionals that deal with asbestos materials. We comment on the visual materials that may have asbestos and recommend the material be test.
Kind regards