Toro Roofing Inc.

Toronto ON M3N 1V7
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HomeStars  >  Roofing in Woodbridge  >  Toro Roofing Inc.  >  Simple Flat Roof - 15 months later
Geoff in Maple
Geoff in Maple
0 reviews Toronto, ON

Simple Flat Roof - 15 months later

Took 15 months to schedule this, as each time they cancelled, I gave them a new window and then they cancelled that. The fact that they had cancelled me 2-3-4-5 times didn't matter when the new date came up - I was just back at the start. When I agreed to be available every day forever to get it done, they finally got to it 3 weeks after the latest scheduled date.
They threw refuse over a public laneway and onto neighbouring houses, but didn't clean either. They volunteered to clean up the neighbours when asked but ultimately didn't. They didn't clean up at my house either.
One of the workers got spray paint for some other job on my house, but because it was done by a different worker than the one who came (on the day after he was scheduled to come) , he said it wasn't them (but volunteered to paint it - I didn't have the paint, and didn't want to see them again so did it myself).
The work that was done is likely fine (too early to know). I just would never recommend them to anyone unless having it done months after they agreed to do it is fine with you.

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Company Response

Hi Geoff, we are very surprised to see this review as we had no idea you felt this way at the completion of your project. As you know, the start date for your flat roof replacement was dependent on when you were able to get your Air Conditioner moved so we were on hold until you gave us the green light which took a very long time. We also tried to get you in early and were told the AC still hadn't been moved so you were then put on a hold list until we heard from you. In the meantime, others were scheduled who were able to get it done immediately. So even though you signed the contract earlier, because you put us on hold for your AC to be moved, once it was moved, we weren't able to put you ahead of the list because our schedule was already made. We did schedule you as soon as we could and due to weather you had to be moved a few times. Unfortunately inclement weather can drastically alter our schedules. We need to make sure the weather conditions are appropriate for the flat roof replacement as well as the safety of our crews.

Roof replacements especially in locations with difficult access and homes that are very close together are a challenge in terms of clean up- our crew did clean as much as they could and when you contacted us that there was still clean up to do on your neighbours property, we promptly said we would send the crew back but you let us know it had already been done and we compensated you for that.

We wish you would have let us know sooner that you were unhappy as our customer satisfaction is our number one priority. That's why we are very surprised to see this weeks after the project was completed. We have left you a voicemail and email. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further. We do apologize for the delays due to the weather conditions but it was out of our control. The delays due to the AC needing to be relocated was out of our control as well. We stand by the work that was done and we hope in the future if you require our services you will reach out.
Thank you,
Toro Roofing Team