Montenegro Aluminum

Gutters & Eavestroughs
Mississauga ON L5N 2Y6
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HomeStars  >  Gutters & Eavestroughs in Burlington  >  Montenegro Aluminum  >  Excellent Service and Quality
Vera in Toronto
Vera in Toronto
3 reviews Brampton, ON

Excellent Service and Quality

Natan and his crew did a great job in replacing our very old eavestroughs with high quality materials. Punctual, professional, courteous and efficient. One of the few contractors that did the work as promised to our complete satisfaction. Our neighbours next door and across the street also had their eavestroughs replaced by Natan and are very happy with the results. Thank you Natan for a great job.

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Company Response

Vero thanks you so much for this amazing review! We are happy that you love your experience with ours team !!
Nathan Montenegro
Montenegro Aluminum