Towerhill Transport

Moving & Storage
Airdrie AB T4B
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HomeStars  >  Moving & Storage in Calgary  >  Towerhill Transport  >  So grateful I picked this company!
1 review Calgary, AB

So grateful I picked this company!

I am so impressed that Cardell and his associate were able to move this odd shaped corner armoire! It was a feat! They did it without damaging the unit... I was thinking we would not be able to do it.

They were both polite, were careful with my property and careful not to bang any walls. They were methodical. And I honestly would have given up and if they did I would not blame them! it was the toughest move I have ever seen. They worked hard and were efficient. They were flexible picking up couches from a different location as well. He responded promptly to any communication and was flex on schedule.

No regrets for me. Gave them a big tip because they deserved it.

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Company Response

It was a pleasure working with you. Even though the job was hard we had a great experience. Thank you.