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Leave the Pest Control to our Experts – With 100% Guarantee!!!! Are You Worried About MICE, RATS, COCKROACHES, BEDBUGS, ANTS, Carpenter Ants, Centipedes, Millipedes, Silverfish, Spiders, Squirrel, Raccoon removal ??????? *** Don't wait!!!! We can help you to get rid of your problem. NO TENSION ...... NO PAIN ............ We Guarantee the effectiveness of our service. We work with GUARANTEE. We do all kinds of Service in Residential (House, Apartment) And Commercial (Restaurant, Fast Food Store, Grocery Store, Warehouse, Office etc.) We are Licence by Ministry of Environment and Insured by LLoyed Our Specialties: -Mice -Rats -Cockroaches -Bed Bugs -Ants -Spiders -Squirrel and Raccoon Removal -Wasps Nest Removal Basic Information: Name:Ruhul Amin Number To Contact You For Show: 647-956-5868 Business Website(s): www.pesterminate.ca Business Contact Email: info@pesterminate.ca Name of Business: Pesterminate Inc. Position or Professional Title: Technical Director Business Location : Greater Toronto Area (GTA), ON Company Background: Please give a description of your company and the products/services you offer: Pesterminate Inc. provides pest control services to the GTA, to both residences and businesses. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques, such as proper inspections, and using the least toxic chemicals possible, are used to ensure the safety of all our clients while still effectively killing all the pests. For many pests, such as raccoons, rodents and wasps, chemicals are not used at all. Tell us about your background of your business and yourself. I did a course on extermination at Guelph University, and went on to obtain an Exterminator's license from the Ministry of Environment. I have spent 9 years in this industry, learning about it, and learning about business, by originally starting at a large, well known, Canadian pest control company. I use the knowledge and the skills I have acquired to keep my clients protected, as well as dealing with the pests issues quickly and effectively. Customer satisfaction is my top priority. What inspired you to pursue your profession? Many people have pest problems they suffer through on a daily basis. Working as an exterminator allows for me to help these people, and to make their lives better as well. Reading reviews written by people who are 100% satisfied with my services makes me extremely happy, as these people are now happy. Where do you see yourself in the near future? I plan on providing services to more people in the future, both residential and commercial, as well as expand my business and train a few people to the extermination services. I also aim to educate people on pests and how to prevent them from infesting their homes or business' as customer satisfaction will remain my number one priority. Ant Removal and Ant Extermination Bedbug Removal And bedbug extermination Rodent Removal and bedbug extermination Wasp Removal and wasp extermination Hornet Removal and hornet extermination Insect Removal and insect extermination cockroach Removal and cockroach extermination Earwig Removal and earwig extermination Carpenter Ant Removal and carpenter ant extermination pavement ant removal and pavement ant extermination commercial buildings commercial restaurants pest control for commercial pest control for restaurant monthly pest control home protection services Same Day or Weekend Service Available with Written Warranty. Call Us for Your Trusted Certified and Experienced Pest Terminator. Pesterminate Inc. A Professional Pest Control Service
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Pestko Pest Control is a local pest control company in Toronto. Providing world-class service by going above and beyond to meet customer's needs. Highly skilled, friendly and reliable. My core values include safety, professionalism and customer satisfaction. I am committed to excellence and outstanding customer service. My mission is to always provide my customers with the highest quality of work in a cost-friendly manner. Providing expert pest prevention information to every customer is very important to me.
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Known as a top bed bug control company, Pest Solution Services, provides knowledgeable bed bug inspections and exterminations in Toronto, Mississauga, Vaughan, and the rest of the GTA. Pest Solution Services follows a knowledgeable approach towards bed bug elimination and, thus, practices a "No Evidence - No Treatment" policy. The inspection is the first step to finding evidence of bed bug infestations in your home. If evidence is found, the bed bug treatment and extermination is performed based on the bed bug infestation level. Finally, following up the treatment ensures peace of mind and measures the success of the extermination. With the review profile and company details, you can be assured that Pest Solution Services is truly a Bed Bugs Specialist company. For bed bug services call us Read the service details below: Bed Bug Services: One of the best professional bed bug companies to choose from, providing bed bug inspections, exterminations, and follow-up. Every bed bug service comes with a supportive set of elementary benefits: 1) Unmarked vehicle keeps your infestation discrete: no bed bug advertising or print 2) Education and Question Answering on the matters of bed bug control 3) Studied in entomology - the science of insects 4) Assisting clients with assurance and therapy-like support to overcome the effects of dealing with heavy infestations 5) Vast coverage of the Greater Toronto Area and many more service locations to help you More detailed information about the bed bug services (such as inspection, extermination, and follow ups) can be found on the Pest Solution Services website Pest Solution Services is Licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, and a member of the Structural Pest Management Association of Ontario (SPMAO), Canadian Pest Management Association (CPMA), and the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). Pest Solution Services keeps up to date with bed bug technologies and has visited the Global Bed Bug Summit many times. The company has also won the Homestars "Best of" award for 12 years in a row and Best of the Best 4 times in a row!
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Check out our 5 stars Google and HomeStars reviews, copy and paste the link below into your address bar or go to Google and type GTA Exterminators 5 Stars Google Reviews https://maps.app.goo.gl/YaaNtgDtrCMAEcs29 5 Stars HomeStars Reviews https://homestars.com/companies/2931785-gta-exterminators We use unmarked pest control trucks. As a pest control company, we prioritize discretion and professionalism to ensure your peace of mind while addressing pest concerns. Our use of unmarked pest control trucks is part of our commitment to safeguarding your privacy and maintaining a low profile during service visits. GTA EXTERMINATORS is a Canadian pest control company that is licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, offering home and commercial pest control services in Toronto. We offer top quality service, low priced pest control services that are backed by our industry leading 100% Money Back Guarantee. Eco-friendly and pet friendly pest control. Our technicians are fully licensed, insured, certified and bonded. We offer the following services: Bed Bugs Treatment, Ants control, Spiders control, Crickets control, Cockroach removal, Mice and rats extermination, Beetles, Silverfish, Earwigs, Centipedes, Flies and more. Our mission is to provide our clients with the highest level of pest control service in a cost-effective manner that minimizes risk potential and delivers the highest level of customer service. You will always receive quality service, staff expertise, image protection and return on your investment. Our success is your success! GTA Exterminators provides unbeatable service to our customers every step of the way. From first day, you will be greeted by the smiles of our friendly and capable staff who will work with you to eliminate any pest problems you may be dealing with. We take our responsibility seriously, and will work our hardest to keep your home and business pest free. Provincially Licensed, Fully Insured, Bonded, Follows Quality Pro standards. Areas of expertise: Residential pest control Commercial pest control Ant control Bed bugs extermination Mice exterminator Rodent control Wasp nest removal We Service the Following Areas: Toronto, North York, Ajax, Pickering, Brampton, York Regional, Etobicoke, Markham, Mississauga, Newmarket, North York,, Oshawa, Richmond Hill, Scarborough, Thornhill, Vaughan, Woodbridge.
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Power Pest Control Toronto is a premier provider of pest control services in Aurora, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Mississauga,Oakville, Thornhill, Newmarket for homes and businesses. I use the latest techniques in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) such as proper inspections, and employ the least toxic pesticides required to solve the issue. Passionate about working directly with people to solve problems, I launched Power Pest Control after obtaining a Structural Exterminator License from the Ministry of Environment, and spending a decade learning the business from the ground up at large pest control companies. On a personal level, I’m a father of a young child, so I understand that nobody wants a pest problem in their home. I use my knowledge and skills to make your home and family as safe and comfortable as possible, while dealing with pest issues effectively and quickly. As a business owner, delighting clients is my goal. I invite you to see first-hand what my clients think by reading my ratings on HomeStars: https://homestars.com/companies/2849752-power-pest-control-inc.
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Pestend is providing pest and wildlife control services in and around GTA. Pestend technicians received special training to carry out work activities in professional manners.Our licensed and experienced Pest Control Professionals are always ready to solve any of your residential or business pest problem effectively and economically.
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Extermination Services * Professional and Environmental Pest Control, Over 20 Years Experience! * Residential and Commercial Services Available * Unmarked Service Vehicles For Discreet Service * Government Licensed, and Insured * Member of SPMAO (Structural Pest Management Association of Ontario) * Approved Home Advisor PRO Contractor * Servicing All Points GTA 416-885-8894 Mice, Rats, Termites, Cockroaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Bees, Wasps, Silverfish, Centipedes, Crawling Insects....
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Speedy Pest Control is family and locally owned and operates in the Greater Toronto Area. We offer full residential and commercial services for all of your pest control and wildlife removal needs. We have been in business for over 25 years and and our technicians are fully licensed with the most recent up to date training and certification. Please contact us to speak to a knowledgeable licensed technician who can explain our treatment options in detail. Speedy’s Technicians operate in the safest and most environmentally friendly manner and guarantee you will be happy with our services. Big or small Speedy does it all! Contact us @ 647-965-2048, 1-888-808-0506 Please know we are new to Homestars and you can reference reviews from our google page for now: https://www.google.ca/search?q=speedy+pest+control&sxsrf=ALeKk00JYy6iUDaa_nXeGbhPLYi1CSEFkg%3A1626880569541&source=hp&ei=OTr4YLXrHLTO0PEPjcq3UA&iflsig=AINFCbYAAAAAYPhISeVpJCtI5FMLxUk3ssUilRzIN3yp&oq=speedy+pest+control&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EANQiLMBWM_HAWCWywFoAHAAeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwj1672zuvTxAhU0JzQIHQ3lDQoQ4dUDCAk&uact=5