Home Painters Toronto

Paint & Wallpaper Contractors
Toronto ON M3J 3G8
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HomeStars  >  Paint & Wallpaper Contractors in North York  >  Home Painters Toronto  >  Exterior paint job -- two-storey house
Anonymous i.
Anonymous i.
12 reviews Toronto, ON

Exterior paint job -- two-storey house

Home Painters Toronto recently completed an exterior paint job on my two-storey house. The painters who did the job -- David, Galen, Mark and Darren -- were definitely experienced and skillful painters who all very personable and easy to work with. They also worked very hard – and perhaps my only criticism is that they tried to too much work on the first -- very hot -- day of the job!

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Company Response

Thanks for taking the time for your feedback, and I'm really glad the job went well and we got it done in the hot summer! Please keep in touch should you have any questions. Brian