Reliance Home Comfort

Heating & Air Conditioning
Toronto ON M2J 4P8
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1 review Mississauga, ON

Dont be decieved by the "Home Comfort"!!

I signed up for Home Comfort thinking Reliance will be there is case there is any issue with my Furnace. During the sign-up process, they did not come to see the condition of the furnace. All they ask to wait for a period if there is no issue within that period, they will cover me for ever as long as I continue to pay the monthly fees.
After two years in December, the time came!! My furnace broke early in the morning (7 am). I t was brutally cold weather. I called Reliance, they said someone will come but not until noon. Eventually someone showed up at 3PM!. Strange part is the technician came with a company! Big RED FLAG. I was told that he is a colleague, he is just going to watch. It was cold outside, so I let him in.
Then technician even did not ask me any question about what happened or what did I see. He start dismantling the furnace and went all the way to the heat exchanger. His goal is to say this heat exchanger is bad and I need new furnace!! He turned off the gas and said, nothing he can do. So I ask for help/suggestion. I was nervous & stressed. It was very cold and I have young kids. Then comes the next surprise!! The colleague came with the technician is actually a SALES GUY!!!. So they came fully prepared and exactly knew what they are going to do even before they saw the furnace or knew anything about it. Then the sales guy gave me a quote of over $5K and told me if I sign now, they can get it done by next day or two otherwise, they cant guarantee. I did not like there approach so far and felt being exploited. So I said, I'll confirm later. Then I call some other places for new furnace and eventually get a very reliable technician though a friend who is offered the exact same furnance with half the price with installation.

So next thing I did is CANCELLED the plan with RELIANCE which I paid for NOTHING and hired the other guys. I am running with the furnace for some time now. Absolutely no problem.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Stay far far away from RELIANACE and save that monthly fee in your own account as emergency fund. So you can buy a new furnace or pay for repair without wasting money with these guys for nothing. Also hire someone to do maintenance once a year.

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Thank you for your feedback. If there is anything I can assist you with please email me with your account details to - Gemma